Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!!!

Q surely did turn 3 yes THREE - I know I can't believe it either but it's true and it's exciting and kinda pulls at my heart strings all at the same time...HOW IN THE WORLD has three years already flown by and my baby become a "big girl"!!! Anyhoo - we had her birthday and everyone that was up staying at the cabin for new year's surely did come over - so it was an awesome, fun, lots of people part!! It was great and Q had LOTS of fun!!! Grammy didn't disappoint once again with the fabulous cake...this year it was all about Dora since Q LOVES LOVES LOVES her...and the cake was freak'n awesome - as always!! =) Thank you Vicki!! Q got some awesome gifts from everyone...THANK YOU!!! Vicki's camera was doing some crazy things...but hey it made for a neat little pic right!!! good times!Q had SUCH a good time!!She gets SO excited when "Dora Calls" It's so cute!She is a DOLL!!!Tytan just enjoying the party =)Q loves her little table...sometimes even when we are all eating at the normal table she insists on sitting at her table...she really wants Chubby to sit with her but i'm not so sure the chairs would be sturdy enough for his little chair so I haven't even attempted that =) Other times I just have to sit with her at her table when we eat...LOVE THIS GIRL!!!!

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