Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tytan's Lifted Truck!

For Tytan's Bday - Matt and Vicki got him this LIFTED TONKA TRUCK!!  And knowing Tytan's father - this will NOT be the last lifted truck he owns!!!  It was pretty funny when we unwrapped the box I just thought it was a fun little truck - but then as B put it together - I realized it was a little lifted truck - it's TOTALLY adorable and the kids LOVE and fight over it!!!  It's GREAT!!!  =)  Tytan will walk around the house now saying "BEE BEE" and if you ask him where his beep beep is he will go get in the truck - TOO FUN!!

 He would NOT stay out of it while B was putting it together - I would have to hold him to get him out so B could do certain parts and he would get SO mad - he just wanted to play!!! =)
 Q loves the truck too!! =)  How cute are they!!!!

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