Thursday, October 14, 2010


So for our Anniversary we went to Sedona for a few days - it was SO nice!!! We had so much fun and the bike riding was GREAT!! One of the trails was TOTAL CRAZINESS but B loved it and I walked the crazy parts so it worked out =)
That was our first time leaving Q for longer then maybe a day - i was a basketcase!!! We went to Safford Thursday to just hang out and get Q comfy at my moms. The plan was to leave Friday afternoon but Jordan was doing a fun dance at the football game so we stayed for that and so I could put Q to bed. So after the game we go back to my parents and I rock Q to sleep and then I just start crying - honestly - you would have thought I was leaving her with strangers or something - HELLO leaving her with my mom...pretty sure she will be spoiled the ENTIRE TIME!!! So anyhoo - we left and I cried for a while knowing the whole time she would be fine...Jeeze i'm a baby huh?!?!!

Since I don't have any pics i'm going to just put some of mine and my mom's text conversations on here =)

Me: "How was last night?"
Mom: "was going to text you but thought you'd be sleeping in! Slept till six, was ok with me getting her up, had a bum, ate some egg, says mama bike ride all the time"
Me: "Word, glad to see I'm the only one that cried last night"
Mom: "yes you were, she if fine."

Mom: "ok we just had to put ALL the swimsuits she is looking for a pool!"
Me: "hahah LOVE IT, ask your neighbors" =)

Me: "How's nap time going"
Mom: "had a bath, down for a nap no problems"
Me: "Word"
Mom: "you can relax and have fun" =)

Me: "how's it going"
Mom: "good. we've been to the store and to moms just got back, having some yogurt and pears"
Me: "Word, is she having so much fun?"
Mom: "don't know about that, but she is happy" =)
Me: "Good, that's all the matters"
Mom: "she is good"
Mom: "just ate a whole cheese stick"
Me: "nice work, she is hungry!"
Me:"i thought about calling but decided I wouldn't remind her of me, not that she would care =)"

Mom: "she has missed you, you are on the longest bike ride ever! but she hasn't cried and been upset, just a mama occasionally"
Me: "She go down ok"
Mom: "She was ready to go down at 7:30, Marshall and kids came by and she got her second wind. went down fine, she is fast asleep =)"
Me: "oh word i'm sure that was fun! Good, glad things are going smooth"
Mom: "how are you"
Me: "Good, Miss her but its fun!"

Me: "how was last night, have you tried combing her hair"
Mom: "put it in piggies yesterday, haven't done it yet today"

Mom: "small crises - I cute my thumb and had to put a band aid on it...she WILL NOT rub a thumb with a band aid, good thing I have two =)"
Me: "hahaha! that is too funny! did she freak out when you put it on your thumb"
Mom: "no she wanted her own"
Me: "would have loved to have been there for that crises, i'm sure it was pretty funny
Mom: "she wouldn't put her band aid on, just wanted to play with it"
Me: "word, miss her!"

Me: "how's it going"
Mom: "good, just got back from grandma's"
Me: "word! did she say grandma green for her?"
Me: "yes, it was cute"

Me: "she sleep ok"
Mom: "slept good - wasn't too mad when i went in to get her"=)
Me: "good"

Mom: "dipping mac and cheese in ketchup!"
Me: "hahaha that's my girl"

Me: "how's the drive?"
Ma: "so far so good - just outside of ft thomas"
Ma: "she is eating the crayons"
Me: "hahaha well i guess if she is happy that's all that matters! she usually just bites the paper off of them"
Mom: "maybe that's what she was trying to do but she's got a mouth full"
Mom: "home safe, went real well. she is so excited - mommy's car"
Me: "glad it went well! Is she running around the house all happy?"
Mom: "yes - already tried to run over the cat with the stroller"
Me: "good for her"
Mom: "dad thinks she might like your car more than you" =)
Me: "hahaha ya she LOVES it - she will play in it forever"
Mom: "or say mamas car forever!"
Me: "ya that too" =)

So when we got back home Q was asleep and of course she decided to take a LONG nap that day because I WANTED her to wake up. It was funny though when we got back i asked my mom how it all went and my dad was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME - how could you not know - you text us ever 5 minutes!! =)
While she was there Q learned to jump off both feet - my mom had a bunch of bubble wrap and she would jump on it to make it pop - good times!!!!

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