While I was in the car I was on the phone with Autumn and we were chatting about the whole procedure and whatnot and I kept saying that I just felt so bad that they were going to cut off his dingy...and I must have said it a few times - then Oz says "you do realize they aren't cutting it off right...just some skin??" AHAHAHAHA I totally started laughing...yes Oz I knew that!!! =) Gotta love my sis!!!
Notice where the bear is placed.... After Q walked by him and noticed that the bear wasn't on his head...she HAD to move it!!! =)
So we get home from the Dr. Office and Q goes to play/work with Daddy in the garage - she comes in as I was changing Tytan so she gets all excited and gets up on the bed - then as I'm walking out of the room she falls off the bed right onto Tytan's car seat and SMACKS her top lip on the side - poor girl...so I have her screaming and him screaming...it was quit the event!!!! Her lip got REALLY big but went down by that night...poor little thing!!
I'm with you about the circ. Luckily for me my doc would do it at the hospital before we left. He is such a cute little boy. Congrats!