Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sweet, Fabulous, Amazing QWYNCI!

Qwynci is one of a kind - she is always saying fun stuff and making me laugh and keeping me on my toes...here are some of her latest...

The other night Tytan was having a rough night - so I rocked him and put him in bed and he kept crying so I decided to just put him in bed with me...his favorite blanket was in the kitchen and I decided to just get him a new bottle so as I was getting all this he was yelling, "B.B (blankey), Bah Bah (bottle), over and over again and very loud...so I finally got him settled in our bed and then I hear Qwynci walking in...she told me "here mom, I have his B.B. and his Bah Bah - she had gone in his room got his "back up" blankey and his empty bottle out of his bed and brought it to him.  It was the sweetest thing ever!!!  She is SUCH a sweetheart - I love her to pieces!!!!!

As we were leaving Wal-Mart (the brown store) a guy parked next to us had one of those hard cover things on the bed of his truck.  He had it popped up putting his groceries in it.  Q said "look mom, that guy is putting his stuff from the brown store in his treasure chest"  I laughed - LOVE how this girl thinks!!  She is the BEST!!!

The other night Brandon was reading to Qwynci in bed...I went in her room so we could have prayers and go to bed.  Brandon leaned over and kissed Q on the cheek...and Q said "Kiss me like you kiss Mommy" I started laughing and Brandon was like "um - NO!"  She cracks us up!!

I was singing "I love to see the Temple" to Q trying to get her to take a nap - as I sang "I'll go inside someday" she told me that she already went to the Temple, so I needed to sing a different song.  I told her that she gets to go back to the Temple when she gets older and gets married...she told me that she already married Daddy.  I just laughed!!

This is a prayer Q said this summer...when she prays instead of saying please bless, she just kinda makes a list...it's cute!
"Heavenly Father, that chunkey bonked his head alot today, that I will be safe in my bed all night, that mommy and daddy will be comfy cozy in their bed tonight, that Jaycie will sleep tight in her bed, that we will make it to the lake safe tomorrow and live happily ever after, The End...(after I prompted her) In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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