Monday, May 31, 2010
Funny Girl
Watching Ball Ball
Dusting & Sitting at the Table
She also went to nursery for about 20 minutes which she isn't old enough but Marcy was nice enough to take her for a bit and she was fine until she realized I had left - but hey...we have to start somewhere right - I think she will LOVE it!! =)
Then to top off the day...Q fell IN the bathtub...yes I know she usually falls OUT but this time she fell in...i had just taken her out of the bath, got her jammies on and had walked in the kitchen - I saw her walk in the bathroom but didn't think anything of it cuz she randomly goes in there and plays or whatever - then I hear a SPLASH and she surely had fallen in fully clothed, and I hadn't drained the water of course!!! If she hadn't have been so scared I would have taken a pic...but she was TOTALLY freak'n out so I just had to scoop her up! No worries - she is fine!! This girl and the bathtub...crazy but good times!! =)
Patiently waiting for me to push her Popsicle up so she can continue to eat it =)
More Corn
Pretzels and Deoderant
Friday, May 28, 2010
Easter Bunny!
So Q FINALLY decided that the Easter bunny Vicki gave her is ok to play with...she likes to make him hop - any time I ask her where her bunny is, she will say "Hop" it's TOTALLY adorable!!! She just carries him around by the ears - it's too funny to watch!!!
And then other times she just DOESN'T want him singing to her - i think it's so cute the way she says "no"'s never just one's like 4 no's in a row...I laugh pretty much every time she does it!! =)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Playing at the Temple...
Bowl Fun
So Q really really loves to get in the cupboard with all the bowls and get them out and play with them and put them on her head - it's great!!! For some reason this time she realized she could step on it and she was having a BLAST stepping up on the was too fun to watch!!
That Mom!
Oh ya - and I was NEVER going to have that kid that was SO noisy during church...I mean JEEZE - why didn't these mothers shut their kids up....DUH, because they couldn't. I now realize's not that they didn't WANT to keep there kid quiet - sometimes it just is not going to happen!!! =)
So ya - Q carried around a box of Cocoa Puffs one day and ate quit a bit - I was so proud...then the next day she was on to a box of Trix...and yes, I am THAT mom that lets her do this!!!! =)